Meeting Recap 02/15/25

Attendees: Matt Ackerman, Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Sydnee Johnson, Dave Olson, Chad Willard

Games Played

Michael E, Michael F, Jim and Dave played Tsuro. Michael F and Dave tied.

Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Coup. Dave won.

Matt, Michael F, and Jim played Starship Captains. Michael won.

Matt, Michael F, and Jim played Expeditions. Michael won.

Michael E, Sydnee, Dave and Chad played The Witcher: Old World. Ran out of time to complete the game.

Michael E, Sydnee and Chad played Splendor.

Meeting Recap 12/21/24

Attendees: Michael Eisenberg, Alex Jordan, Jim Halloran, Sydnee Johnson, Dave Olson, Matt Skelton

Games Played:

Alex (Sheriff), Dave (Deputy), Michael (Renegade), Jim (Outlaw), Matt (Outlaw) and Sydnee (Outlaw) played Bang! The Dice Game. The Law won.

Michael (The Naaz-Rokha Alliance), Alex (The Arborec), Jim (The Mentak Coalition), Sydnee (The Universities of Jol-Nar), Dave (The Embers of Muaat) and Matt (The Winnu) played Twilight Imperium 4th Edition. We ran out of time at the rec center, but Michael had a commanding lead with 9 points and the nearest competitor at ~6 points.

Meeting Recap 10/18/24

Attendees: Chris Cregan, Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Chris Gronau, Jim Halloran, Sydnee Johnson, Dave Olson, Bruce Clark

Games Played:

Chris C, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Coup. Chris won.

Michael E, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Coup. Dave won.

Michael E, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Coup. Sydnee won.

Michael E, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Space Base. Jim won.

Chris C, Michael F, Chris G and Bruce played Star Wars: Outer Rim. Chris won.

Michael E, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Potion Explosion. Michael won.

Michael E, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Potion Explosion. Sydnee won.

Chris C, Michael F and Chris G played 2 games of Tiny Towns. Chris G won both.

Michael E, Sydnee and Dave played Valeria: Card Kingdom. Sydnee won.

Michael E, Sydnee and Dave played Valeria: Card Kingdom. Dave won.

Meeting Recap 09/21/24

Attendees: Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Sydnee Johnson, Alex Jordan, Luciano Maffei, Dave Olson, Ben Steinwurtzel

Games Played:

Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Sydnee, Alex and Dave played Coup. Sydnee won.

Michael F, Alex, Luciano and Ben played Terraforming Mars. Michael won.

Michael E, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Defenders of the Realm. It was a close game, the heroes were set to take on the dragon leader in the next round, but the lad was too tainted to be redeemed.

Michael F, Sydnee, Alex and Dave played a couple of games of Space Base. Michael won both.

Michael E, Jim, Ben and Luciano played a couple of games of Splendor. Luciano won the first and Ben won the second.

Michael E, Jim and Luciano played Tsuro.

Michael F, Sydnee and Dave played Zombie Dice. Dave won.

Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Sydnee and Luciano played Tsuro. Jim and Sydnee shared in the victory.

Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Sydnee, Dave and Luciano played Tsuro. Dave won.

Meeting Recap 08/17/24

Attendees: Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Christian Otto, Matt Skelton

Games Played:

Michael E (Sheriff), Michael F. (Deputy), Alex (Renegade), Dave (Outlaw) and Matt (Outlaw) played Bang!. The lawmen were victorious.

Michael E, Alex and Matt S played Firefly. Alex won.

Michael F, Jim and Dave played a couple of games of Splendor. Jim won the first game and Michael won the second game.

Michael F, Jim, Dave and Christian played Clank! In! Space!! Michael won.

Michael F, Jim, Dave and Christian played Lords of Waterdeep. Dave won.

Michael E, Alex and Matt S played a couple of games of Splendor.

Meeting Recap 07/20/24

Attendees: Matt Ackerman, Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Matt Skelton, Tyler Saunders

Games Played:

Jim (USA) and Dave (USSR) played Twilight Struggle. The USA was victorious.

Michael E, Alex and Matt S played Firefly.

Matt A, Michael F, Scott and Tyler played Last Light. Tyler won.

Matt A, Michael F, Scott and Tyler played Alien Frontiers. Tyler won. Matt won.

Michael E, Jim, Alex, Dave and Matt S played Shadows over Camelot. Matt was the traitor and won the game by placing the 12th catapult.

Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Alex, Dave and Tyler played a couple of games of Bang! Outlaws won both games.

Meeting Recap 06/15/24

Attendees: Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Tyler Saunders

Games Played:

Jim, Alex, Dave and Tyler played Splendor. Alex won.

Jim, Alex, Dave and Tyler played Nemesis in Co-op mode. The team completed all of the objectives and won the game.

Jim, Alex, Dave and Tyler played Space Base. Alex won.

Jim, Alex, Dave and Tyler played Space Base. Alex was able to pull off the “You win” card.

Meeting Recap 05/18/24

Attendees: Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Chris Gronau, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Matt Skelton

Games Played:

Chris C, Michael E, Chris G, Jim, Alex and Matt S played Eclipse.

Matt A, Michael F, Scott and Dave played Last Light. Michael won.

Michael F, Scott and Dave played Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia. Dave won.

Meeting Recap 3/16/24

Attendees: Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Matt Skelton, Chad Willard

Michael E, Michael F, Alex Jordan and Matt S played Firefly. Michael F was victorious.

Matt A, Chris, Jim and Dave played a couple of rounds of Last Bastion. They could not hold off the onslaught in either game.

Matt A, Chris, Jim and Dave played Dinosaur Island: Rawr ‘n Write. Chris was victorious

Chris, Michael F, Jim and Dave played The Quacks of Quedlinburg three times. Michael won the firs round, Jim won the second round, and Chris won the third round.

Michael E, Alex and Chad played Firefly. Alex was victorious.