Author Archives: boegames
Meeting Recap 05/15/10
Games Played:
1) John and Scott played a couple of practice turns of Pirate’s Cove before Dave and Jay Showed up.
2) John, Scott, Dave and Jay played Pirate’s Cove. John and Jay were neck and neck for most of the game, but John pulled ahead to a commanding lead in the end to claim the title of most feared pirate on the high seas.
3) John, Scott, Dave and Jay played Pirate’s Cove. Dave jumped out to an early 5 VP lead by attacking the Cacafuego on turn one, and never looked back.
4) John, Scott, Dave and Jay played Shadows Over Camelot. The loyal knights did a great job of piling up white swords on the round table, ending the game with 8 white and 4 black swords. Unfortunately, there was a traitor in their midst. Two of the white swords flipped to black, ending in a 6-6 traitor win.