BEWC Meeting Recap 04/18/15

Attendees: Chris Cregan (to help loading up games), Jim Halloran, Dave Olson and Jeramee Scherer

Games Played:

Jim and Jeramee (2 commandos each) played against Dave (aliens) in Level 7: Omega Protocol. The good guys had to infiltrate the secret base and steal the plans from the evil mastermind.  It was pretty much a cake walk for the good guys, as the aliens were not much of a threat.  All 4 commandos made it out with minimal damage.

Club Business:

Jim and Dave delivered the games that the club decided to sell last year to OOP Games in Lynwood.

BEWC Meeting Recap 3/21/15


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Frank and Robbie Fulton, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

All attendees played Starcraft. Jeremy left partway through and replaced by Frank and Robbie. Michael won on turn 5 by special victory condition.

BEWC Meeting Recap 3/7/15


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Ken MacArthur, Dave Olson, Alex Wright

Games Played

Michael, Alex, Karen, Dave O. and Ken played Sherriff of Nottingham.  Final scores: Michael 138, Alex 173, Karen 192 Winner!, Dave O. 92, Ken 173

Dave L, Chris and Jim played Castles of Mad King Ludwig.  Final scores: David 126 Winner, Chris 101, Jim 67

Chris, Dave L. and Jim played Sherriff of Nottingham.  Final scores: Chris 141 Winner, David 139, Jim 135

Chris, Dave L. and Jim played Sherriff of Nottingham.  Final scores: Chris 117 Winner, David 95, Jim 79

Alex and Jim played Twilight Struggle.  Jim won as the Soviets

Alex and Jim played Twilight Struggle.  Alex tricked Jim into blowing up the world for the win

 Ken, Karen, Dave O, Alex and Michael played Puerto Rico.  Final scores: Ken 39 Winner, Karen 31, Dave O. 30, Alex 29, Michael 28

BEWC Meeting Recap 02/21/15


Chris Cregan, Anthony Eaton, Michael Feinberg, Robbie and Frank Fulton, Jim Halloran,

 Games Played

Jim and Anthony (Allies) took on Frank and Robbie (Axis) in Axis and Allies. The Allies were victorious!

Chris and Mike played Pathfinder: The Adventure Card Game. The card game lost.

Chris and Mike played Black Box. Chris won.

BEWC Meeting Recap 2/7/15


Chris Cregan, Anthony Eaton, Michael Feinberg, Frank and Robbie Fulton, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Jeramee Scherer, Alex Wright

Games Played

Love Letter played by Dave O, Dave L, Jim, Karen with Jim emerging the victor.

Castles of Mad King Ludwig, Alex 105, Dave L 125, Scott 104, Mike 129

King of New York played by Jerame, Chris, Jim, Dave O. Jim won

Twilight Struggle Roberta & Frank America saved to world from communism

XCOM: The Board Game, Brandan, Jereme, Chris, Dave O and the human team beat the aliens.

Smash up, Anthony, Karen and Jim played, Karen won.

Lords of Waterdeep. Micheal 124, Jeramee 111, Anthony 107, Jim 104

Smash up, Micheal , Jim, Anthony, Jeramee. Anthony won

Game of Thrones with Feast of Crows expansion. Scotts Baratheons won against Brandan, Chris and David L.

Five Tribes Micheal 166, Jim 179, Anthony 161

A 7 player game of 7 Wonders with the new expansion and David L won with 57 points

BEWC Meeting Recap 01/17/15

Attendees: Chris Cregan, Anthony Eaton, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Jeramee Scherer and Matt Walker

Games Played

1) Jim, Matt, Jeramee and Dave started with a game of Defenders of the Realm.  The group was not successful in defending the realm.

2) Alex, Michael and Chris played the King of all Londinium story of Firefly with the Blue Sun and Pirates and Bounty Hunters Expansions. Michael won.

3) Jim, Matt, Jeramee and Dave took another run at Defenders of the Realm.  Dave had to leave before the conclusion, but Tony took over for him.  The defenders were once again unsuccessful.

4) Jim, Michael, Chris, Jeramee, Tony and Matt played 7 games of Coup. Michael won 4, Jim 1, Jeremy 1, and Matt 1

Club Business

New officers were elected for 2015…

President: Chris Cregan

Vice President: Jim Halloran

Secretary: Dave Olson

Treasurer: Michael Feinberg

The club also voted to purchase King of New York and Level 7: Omega Protocol for the collection.

BEWC Meeting Recap 1/3/15

Attendees: Jim Halloran, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon

Games Played:
1) Brandan, Dave and Karen played Metro. Dave won.

2) Three Scotland Yard investigators (Jim, Dave, and Karen) were on the hunt for Jack the Ripper (Brandan) in Letters from Whitechapel, but Jack was able to escape.

3) Brandan, Dave and Karen played Vegas Showdown – Dave’s casino emerged as the most famous in Vegas.

BEWC Meeting Recap 12/20/14

Attendees: Anthony Eaton, Michael Feinberg, Alex Jordan, Jeramee Scherer

1) Jeramee and Alex started off with Marvel Legendary where Shield sucesfully beat Red Skull, with Jeramee having more points than Alex.

2) Michael, Alex, and Jeramee played Five Tribes, where Alex’s Vizier based strategy edged out Jeramee 144 to 140, but Michael ran away with it with 189 points from tiles and a full set of all 9 merchandise types.

3) Anthony joined Michael, Alex, and Jeramee for Alien Frontiers. Michael was one turn from winning and thought he had the game when Alex was able to sneak in his sixth colony ending the game. In the points upset of Alex’s last payment, he ended up with 9 victory points where everyone else had 5.

BEWC Meeting Recap 12/6/14

Attendees: Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Dennis Henning, Alex Jordan, Dave Landon, Ed McGran, Dave Olson, Alex Wright

1) All attendees (Except Dave O.) started with a game of 7 Wonders with Alex Wright pulling off an impressive science-heavy 62-ish point win.

2) All attendees played three games of The Resistance.  The first game was won by spies Scott, Dennis and Dave O.  The second game saw a win by the Resistance, with Dennis, Dave L. and Jim failing as the spies.  The final game was another win for the spies, with Alex J., Scott and Dave L. getting the win.

3) Jim (Dwarves), Alex J (Undead), Ed (Goblins) and Dave O (Humans) played a partial game of Warparty.  It was dwarves and humans vs. goblins and undead. The undead were having a fairly easy time of it with the humans, and the dwarves and goblins were at each other’s throats, with possibly a small advantage to the dwarves in the end based on the  heroes’ experience levels.  There was no obvious winner when the game was called off.

4) Dennis, Dave L and Alex W played three games of Dominion, with Alex winning all three.

5) Dennis, Dave L and Alex played Attika, with Dave L emerging victorious.