Survive was played by Jim, Mike and Alex. Jim won.
Eclipse was played, by Jim, Mike, Alex, Matt and Vince. Jim won.
Survive was played by Jim, Mike and Alex. Jim won.
Eclipse was played, by Jim, Mike, Alex, Matt and Vince. Jim won.
Eray Askit, Dan Carey, Chris Cregan, Tyler Eller, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Dave Olson, Kerri Olson, Ben Samuelson, Alex Wright
Games Played
After an abandoned teaching game, Dan, Chris, Michael, Ben, and Alex played Food Chain Magnate. Alex won commandingly with 550 points, filled by Dan with 295.
Eray, Scott, Brandan, and Dave L played Castles of Mad King Ludwig where Brandan one with 98 points.
Eray, Scott, Brandan, and Dave L then moved onto XCOM: The Board Game with the Evolution expansion but were unable to save the world from alien invasion.
Tyler, Dave O, and Kerri played two hands of Love Letter with Dave winning both.
They then played two hands of Coup with Tyler winning one and Dave the other.
Eray, Scott, Brandan, Dave L, Dave O, and Kerri finished with Avalon. Dave L and Eray’s forces of evil dominated, winning on the third mission.
Lords of Waterdeep
Played by Mike, Jim, Alex, Ben, Rob and Matt
Mike won
Blood Rage
Played by Chris, Dave O, Jay and Jeremy
Chris won
Assault of the Giants
Played by Jay, Dave O, Matt and Jim
Jay won
Power Grid
played by Chris, Vince and Alex
Chris won
Played by Ben, Mike and Jeremy
Mike won
Played by Mike, James. Ben, and Jeremy
James won
The day ended with several quick games of Coup and Bang
Mare Nostrum: Empires played by Jim, Dave L, Mike F, Ben, and Dan
Mike won
Elder Sign played by Brandon and Arie
Cooperative victory
Alien Frontier played by Jim, Mike F, Brandon, Ben and Dan
Jim won
War of the Ring played by Dave L and Eray
Games Played
Star Realms
Played by Jim and Mike. Jim won one, Mike won two
Star Trek: Ascendancy
Played by Dave O, Jay and Mike. Jay won.
Played by Dave O, Mike and Jay. Mike won.
King of New York
Played by Jim, Jeremy and Chris. Chris won.
Played by Jim, Jeremy, Chris, Matt B, and Forrest. Jim won
Games played
One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak: Jeremy, Karen, Ben, Jim, Dave L and Alex. Jeremy won.
One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak: Jeremy, Jim, Karen, Ben, Brandon and Alex. Jim, Alex and Brandon won.
A Feast For Odin: Brandon, Alex and Dave G. Brandon won.
Castles of Mad King Ludwig: Karen, Dave L, Ben and Amanda. Karen won.
Twilight Struggle: Jim and Jeremy. Jim won.
7 Wonders: Jim, Earie, Dave l, Karen, Amanda, Brandon and Alex. Brandon won.
Jim Halloran, Michael Feinberg, Dave Olsen, Robert Gohl, Alex Jordon, Chad Willard, Haley Willad, Drake Willard, Chis Cregan, Matt Ackerman
Club Business
Elections results for 2017 Officers
President Michael Feinberg
Vice President Jeremy Scherer
Treasurer Dave Olsen
Secretary Jim Halloran
Club plans to hold an additional meeting on the 5th Saturday for those months with 5 Saturdays. Matt has volunteered to host the 5th Sat meetings.
Board Games to be purchased:
Caste Panic: Wizard Tower
Star Trek Ascendecy
Games Played
Five Tribes: Played by Jim, Rob, Michael and Dave. Michael won
Monsters Menace America: Played by Jim, Dave, Rob and Drake. Jim won
Firefly: Played by Alex, Matt and Michael. Matt won
Star Wars Rebellion-Played by Chad and Haley. Unknown victor, game still in progress
Spectre Ops: Played by Drake, Rob, Chris, Dave and Jim. Cooperative Victory for Dave, Chris and Jim
7 Wonders Duel: Played by Alex and Michael One victory each.
Quarriors: Played by Chris, Drake and Michael. Michael won
Defenders of the Realm: Played by Jim, Dave and Drake, and Jim and Dave. 2 Cooperative losses.
Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Amanda James, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Jeramee Scherer, and Alex Wright
Games Played
Dave, Karen, Jeramee, and Alex started with Ra, where Karen won commandingly and Jeramee came in second.
Chris and Michael played 7 Wonders: Duel with Chris rolling over Michael to a military victory.
Chris, Michael, Dave, Jeramee, and Alex tried to “Escape from Innsmouth” in Mansions of Madness Second Edition. Initially things went well for the group and they found a way out of the town and solved most of the mystery, but the situation soon spiraled out of control. Much back tracking was required to find the final piece of evidence and to then make their escape and meanwhile the horrors of the situation were sinking in. By the end, all of the investigators had gone insane and their disparate goals kept anyone from making it to the boat out in time, causing everyone to lose.
Chris, Michael, Brandan Dave, Jeramee, and Alex played three rounds of One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak. In all three the villagers were able to successfully find one of the wolves and win.
Chris, Michael, Jeramee, and Alex played a close round of Dominion. Chris’s shanty town + smithy combo won him the game with 31 points, but Alex was just behind with 30, then Michael with 29.
Amanda, Brandan, Dave, and Karen played Castles of Mad King Ludwig where Amanda won.
Chris and Jeramee played Blood Rage with Chris being victorious.
Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Robert Gohl, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan
Games Played
Robert, Jim and Alex started with two games of 7 Wonders. Alex edged out Robert 59 to 56 to win the first game, while Jim came back to win the second with 57 over Alex’s second place 53.
Chris, Michael, Robert, Jim, and Alex played Lords of Waterdeep with the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion. It had seemed like Michael was ahead most of the game, but Chris completed a quest that let him put three buildings into play, earning him steady income from them and at the end revealed the builder lord giving him 6 points for each building. That put Chris just over the top, beating Michael 127 to 125.
Chris and Michael played two games of Star Wars: Rebellion. In the first, Chris’s rebellion gambled on locating their base in Geonosis, immediately adjacent to Michael’s imperial forces in Rodia. The rebels started off with a surprise assault on Rodia, but were unsuccessful, and the feint to Naboo did not draw off the imperial forces who invaded Geonosis and with the help of some luck with dice, Michael won on turn 3.
For the second game of Rebellion, Chris and Michael switched sides and played a longer game of cat and mouse, with the imperials steadily marching through the galaxy, but not finding the Rebel base and the Rebels winning small victories. On turn six however a powerful imperial force found the Rebels on Yavin. If they could have held out against the initial assault, plans were in place to evacuate to Endor and for a different force to assault Coruscant, quite possibly leading the Rebellion to victory, but it was not to be – the base fell and Chris’s imperials were victorious.
Club Business
Jim, Michael, and Chris were named to the nominating committee for 2017 officers. Elections will be held at the 1/21/17 meeting.
Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson
Games Played
Matt (Medic), Michael (Generalist), Jim (Contingency Planner), Dave (Dispatcher) and Ben (Containment Specialist) played Pandemic: The Cure. The team was able to find cures for all four diseases to win the game!
Matt (Saxony Empire), Michael (Crimean Khaneg), Jim (Russviet Union), Dave (Republic of Polania), and Ben (Nordic Kingdoms) played Scythe. Final scores: Michael – 70; Ben – 66; Dave – 55; Jim – 52; Matt – 35.
Matt, Chris, Michael, Jim, Dave, and Ben played Captain Sonar. It was Captain/First Officer Michael, Radio Operator Ben and Engineer Jim up against Captain/First Officer Chris, Radio Operator Matt and Engineer Dave in a tense battle below the waves. In the end Michael, Ben and Jim won a decisive victory.
Chris (Overseers of Kalgon), Michael (Tri-Bot), Jim (Recyclons v40K), Dave (Freep), and Ben (Mhee Yow-Meex) played Mag Blast. It was a prolonged battle that was for some reason referred to multiple times as a Steve Jackson game — even though to set the record straight Steve is completely innocent and had no involvement in the game. In the end, Michael’s Tri Bot fleet was able to pull off the win.
Matt, Chris, Jim, Dave, and Ben played Fearsome Floors. Chris got out to an early start and was able to hang on for the ultimate victory.
Club Business