Phil Davenport, McKenna Davenport, Aaron, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Alex Jordan, Dave Landon, Ben Samuelson, Alex Wright
Games Played
Alex J, Dave, Ben, and Alex W started off with Sheriff of Nottingham, where Alex W was the best smuggler, amassing 169 points over Dave with 153 and Alex J just behind at 151.
Michael, Jim, and Scott tried Dragonwood. Scott captured the first dragon, but Michael was able to capture the second putting him over the with 24 points to Scott’s 21.
Michael, Jim, and Scott played one hand of Red7 that Michael won.
Brandan, Ben, and Alex W played Caylus, where Ben won with 86 points and Alex in second with 79.
Phil, McKenna, Aaron, and Alex J played the Switzerland map of Ticket to Ride, with McKenna winning.
Michael, Jim, Scott, and Dave tried out Star Trek Panic. With only three missions completed and two thirds of the enterprise destroyed, they admitted defeat.
Dave, Ben, and Alex W played two rounds of Dominion, with Alex dominating the first game and Dave the second.
Brandan taught Michael, Jim, and Alex J XCOM: The Board Game, where they were badly defeated. Dave replaced Brandan as Central Officer for a second round that went much better for the people of earth.
Dave, Ben, and Alex W finished with Caverna.