Attendees: Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Dennis Henning, Alex Jordan, Dave Landon, Ed McGran, Dave Olson, Alex Wright
1) All attendees (Except Dave O.) started with a game of 7 Wonders with Alex Wright pulling off an impressive science-heavy 62-ish point win.
2) All attendees played three games of The Resistance. The first game was won by spies Scott, Dennis and Dave O. The second game saw a win by the Resistance, with Dennis, Dave L. and Jim failing as the spies. The final game was another win for the spies, with Alex J., Scott and Dave L. getting the win.
3) Jim (Dwarves), Alex J (Undead), Ed (Goblins) and Dave O (Humans) played a partial game of Warparty. It was dwarves and humans vs. goblins and undead. The undead were having a fairly easy time of it with the humans, and the dwarves and goblins were at each other’s throats, with possibly a small advantage to the dwarves in the end based on the heroes’ experience levels. There was no obvious winner when the game was called off.
4) Dennis, Dave L and Alex W played three games of Dominion, with Alex winning all three.
5) Dennis, Dave L and Alex played Attika, with Dave L emerging victorious.