Attendees: Tom Dunford, Scott Harris, Joe Kauffman, Michael Kelly, Michael Feinberg
Club Business: The copy of Power Grid we voted to buy last meeting is on order and should arrive for the next meeting.
Games Played:
1) Scott, Michael, and Michael started with a game of Risk: 2210 AD. Scott took an early lead, taking control over the moon and most of the ocean territories, but Michael and Michael then ganged up on him. Michael F wasn’t able to hold on to Europe, which basically knocked him out of the game, but Michael K plowed through Scott’s forces on the moon and in South America and then used his stack of diplomacy cards to foil any attempts to take them back, giving him a commanding victory.
2) Tom, Scott, Michael, and Michael then played an epic (4 hours!) game of Cities and Knights of Catan. Tom took over for Scott who had to leave just after the set-up phase, and Scott’s settlement placement gave Tom a key early game monopoly for ore, preventing many knights from coming into play and allowing the first barbarian ship to arrive to raze Joe and Michael F’s cities. Michael F thought he was basically out of the game after the dice failed to give him any resources for the first three turns and then was penned in to just three settlements, but a pair of 2:1 trading harbors and early achievement of the aqueduct allowed him to turn all three of those settlements into cities and claim both the trade and science metropolises. Combined with the merchant and a victory point from a progress card, he was only one point from victory, which would have come when the barbarian ship next arrived and his six knights would have given him the Defender of Catan title, but Mike K had been steadily expanding and was able to snatch away both the trade metropolis and the longest road title (from Tom), pushing him to 14 victory points and his second win of the day.