Attendees: Chris Cregan, Michael Kelly, Michael Fineberg, Alex Wright, Brandon James, John Boyle, Bruce Clark, Joe Kauffman, Dave Landon
1) Chris, Michael F, Alex, Brandon, Dave and Bruce played a “short” game of Twilight Imperium. It was most everyone’s first or second game, and turned into a big learning experience for all. In the end it was a close race, with most everyone competing for the win the final turn mostly due to a stronger presence on Mecatol Rex for the majority of the game. The 2nd to last turn Chris took the center planet using an army built up over the entire game. Even then it took Dave invading Michael’s territory, taking his capitol planet to prevent a potential counterattack. The next turn though saw Dave move in on Chris’ territorys in a bid to take two enemies home systems, which was an outright win condition. Unfortunatly he only took half of the home planets, which was not enough for Dave. It was enough to prevent Chris from achieving points from his Mecatol conquest. Brandon, having played the entire game at peace with his neighbor Michael finally declared war attempting to get his secret objective complete. Unfortunatly, a nebulus blocked his army from invading too far in and Michael was able to win with 9 VP.
2) In non-twilight related news: some people lost game, others won, maybe some ties… I think a game of Power Grid happened.