Meeting Recap 09/21/24

Attendees: Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Sydnee Johnson, Alex Jordan, Luciano Maffei, Dave Olson, Ben Steinwurtzel

Games Played:

Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Sydnee, Alex and Dave played Coup. Sydnee won.

Michael F, Alex, Luciano and Ben played Terraforming Mars. Michael won.

Michael E, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Defenders of the Realm. It was a close game, the heroes were set to take on the dragon leader in the next round, but the lad was too tainted to be redeemed.

Michael F, Sydnee, Alex and Dave played a couple of games of Space Base. Michael won both.

Michael E, Jim, Ben and Luciano played a couple of games of Splendor. Luciano won the first and Ben won the second.

Michael E, Jim and Luciano played Tsuro.

Michael F, Sydnee and Dave played Zombie Dice. Dave won.

Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Sydnee and Luciano played Tsuro. Jim and Sydnee shared in the victory.

Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Sydnee, Dave and Luciano played Tsuro. Dave won.