Meeting Recap 3/7/20


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Brandan James, David Landon, Karen Landon, and Alex Wright

Games Played

Chris, Michael, David, and Elsa started off with Forbidden Desert, but were beat down by the sun before escaping.

Chris, Michael, Dave, and Alex then played Terraforming Mars. Michael won handily with 71 points to Chris’s second place 54, but a misunderstanding of his corporation bonus gave Michael some extra early turn resources that certainly helped get things going.

Chris, Michael, Brandan, David, and Karen played Robo Rally, where Chris’s mechanical arm gave him an easy win riding the conveyor belts.

Chris, Michael, Brandan, and David finished up with Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig after Karen had to leave part way through the game. Chris had the best second place castle at 63 points, followed by David at 61.