Mary Bos, Chris Cregan, Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, and Wolfie Tuk
Games Played
Mary, Michael E, Michael F, Jim, and Wolfie started with Railroad Ink. Scores were tight, but Michael F won with 50 points.
Mary, Chris, Michael E, Michael F, Jim, and Wolfie played Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig. Michael F had the highest scoring castle with 75 points, followed by Chris with 70.
The group moved on to two games of Shadow Hunters. Chris and Wolfie won the first game as the shades and in the second Michael E and Wolfie were victorious as the Hunters, with Jim tagging along for the win as Agnes.
Chris, Michael E, Michael F, and Wolfie finished up with Nemesis with the Voidseeder expansion. After a slow start with Michael E trying to get the other Michael killed, most people had fulfilled their objectives and were trying to get home. Things were looking up when Michael F and Wolfie had successfully hibernated and Chris was about to when a computer malfunction blew up the ship and everyone died.