Meeting Recap 9/7/19


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Christopher Gronau, Brandan James, David Landon, Karen Landon, Ben Samuelson, Foster, Jasper, and Faran

Games Played

Michael, Chris G, Dave, Karen, Foster and Jasper started off with Between Two Cities where Chris G was between the top two cities and won with 61 points, followed by Karen with 60.

Dave, Greta, Foster, and Jasper played Kingdomino with Dave winning.

Dave, Zoe, Foster, and Jasper then played Burgle Bros., but were caught in the act.

Chris C, Michael, Chris G, and Ben played two games of Wingspan. Chris C was victorious in the first game with 84 points, just edging out Ben at 81. Michael won the second with 85 points and Ben again at section with 78.

Brandan, Dave, Foster, Jaspar, and Faran played Citadels. Foster won with Faran in second and the remaining three tied for third.

Chris C, Michael, Chris G, and Ben played a quick game of Railroad Ink, where Chris G was the best network planner with 56 points then Michael at 48.

Karen, Dave, Foster, and Jasper wrapped up with Castles of Mad King Ludwig, with Dave in the lead when they had to stop.

Chris C, Michael, Chris G, and Brandan stayed laid to complete Star Wars: Outer Rim. Chris was the best scoundrel, winning the game with 11 fame from completing the Kessel Run, one turn before Michael would have gotten his final fame from capturing a bounty.