Meeting Recap 6/14/19


Matt Ackerman, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, and Wolfie Tuk

Games Played

Matt, Michael, Jim, and Wolfie started with a game of Space Base, that Matt won handily won at 38 points, followed by Michael at 29.

They moved on to Dice Forge, with Michael winning this time with 195 points and Matt in second with 163.

They finished up with two games of The Quest for El Dorado. Michael won both thanks in part to purchasing two pioneers each game and drawing into them for a huge last turn rush to the finish.

Meeting Recap 6/1/19


Aimee Clare, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, and David Landon

Games Played

Aimee, Chris, Michael, Scott, and Dave started off with a four hands of Love Letter, where Aimee was the most successful suitor, winning 2.

They then moved on two games of 7 Wonders with the Armada expansion. Michael won the first game with 75 points going heavily into both blue cards and blue ships, followed by Chris at 72. The second game had much higher scoring, with Chris winning with 89 points, largely from guilds, follow by Michael with 85.

Brandon then joined them for two rounds of Ca$h ‘n Gun$. In the first game only Chris, Michael, and Brandan survived, with Brandan having the most cash at $110,000. In the second game, Brandan was again the winner, though this time only with $70,000, followed by Dave with $65,000 while Scott and Michael had amassed $75,000 each but were killed in the final shoot out.

Chris, Michael, Scott, Brandan, and Dave tried out five player Dinosaur Island. Chris ran away with the game, ending with 131 points, but everyone else was extremely close with Dave at 99, Michael at 98, Scott at 96, and Brandan at 92.