Eray Askit, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Robin Kish, Jenna, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright
Games Played
Eray, Dave, and Alex played Alchemists, with Alex winning.
Michael, Brandan, Karen, and Elaine started off with Metro, where Michael just edged out Elaine for the victory, 61 to 59.
Michael, Scott, Robin, Jenna, Karen, and Elaine played Between Two Cities. Michael had the best second best city at 57 points, with Scott just behind at 55.
Michael, Scott, Robin, and Jenna moved on to Clank! In! Space! where Scott this time overcame Michael to win with 114 points to Michael’s 110.
Brandan, Dave, Karen, and Elaine (with some tag team help from Alex) played Ticket To Ride India, which saw Karen trouncing everyone with 112 points followed by Brandon at 104. They wanted it noted for the record that Karen’s score was 50% higher than Dave’s.
Dave, Karen, Alex, and Elaine finished up with the Castles of Mad King Ludwig.