Meeting Recap 9/16/17

Games Played

Zombie Dice

Played by Jim, Selwyn and Ben


Played by Jim, Matt, Ben and Alex

Partial game that ended with Matt leading


Played by Jim, Ben and Alex

Alex won


Played by Mike, Sel, Mark and Jeremy

Mike won

Potion Explosion

Played by Steph, Chris and Sel

Sel won

Great Western Trail

Played by Mike, Mark, and Jeremy

Mike won

Carcassonne: The Discovery

Played by Jay and Dave

Mystery of the Abbey

Played by Steph, Sel, Chris, Dave and Jay

Sel won

Blood Rage 

Played by Jeremy, Chris Cregan, Mike and Mark

Jeremy won


Played by Steph and Chris

Chris won

Endangered Orphans

Played by Steph and Chris

Chris won

Roll Play 

Played by Steph and Chris



Meeting Recap 9/2/17

Games played

Lost Cities

Played by Dave l and Sel.  Dave won.


Played by Dave L, Sel, Jim, Scott and Alex W

Alex won


Played by Alex W, Elaine, Scott and Chris

Coop Victory

Robo Rally

Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O, Jay and Dan

Jim won

Mare Nostrum: Empires

Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O, Jay and Dan

Jay won


Played by Alex W, Elaine, and Chris

Mansions of Madness Second Edition

Played by Dave L, Arie, Alex W, Scott, Brandon and Chris

Coop Loss

Cosmic Encounter

Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O, Jay and Dan

Jim and Sel each won one game


Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O and Jay

Jim won


Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O and Jay


Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O and Jay

Coop Victory