BEBGC Meeting Recap 10/15/16


Matt Ackerman, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Michael, Jim, Dave and Ben played King of New York. Ben won the game with 20 victory points.

Michael, Jim, Dave, Ben and Jeramee played King of New York. Ben won the game by defeating all of the other monsters.

Matt, Michael, Dave and Ben played Dead of Winter. Matt, Michael and Dave were able to win and meet their secret objective. Ben also met his secret objective (one survivor having two wounds), but Matt healed his survivor taking away the win.

Jim (Empire) and Jeramee (Rebels) played Star Wars: Rebellion. The rebels were able to pull off the win.

Matt, Michael, Dave and Ben played Dragon & Flagon. It was a knock-down drag-out brawl, but Ben was able to emerge victorious.

Matt, Michael, Jim, Dave, Ben, Jeramee played Shadows over Camelot. The loyal knights were able to win, and there was no traitor.

Jeramee taught Michael  7 Wonders: Duel and Michael won through science.

Club Business
