BEBGC Meeting Recap 08/20/16


Chris Cregan, Robert Gohl, Jim Halloran, Andrew Leung, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson

Games Played

Robert, Jim, Dave and Ben played Cuisine a la Card. Ben was the top chef with 17 points, followed by Jim with 14, Dave with 8 and Robert with 3.

Chris, Jim, Dave and Ben played Xia: Legends of a Drift System. Chris was the most successful drifter.

Robert and Alex played Pandemic and lost.

Having lost pandemic, Robert and Alex upped the difficulty level and played Pandemic again, but were once again unsuccessful.

Chris, Robert, Jim, Andrew and Dave played Coup nine times. Dave won 3X, Robert and Chris each won 2X, and Alex and Jim each won once.

Chris, Alex and Dave played BetaBotz, and Chris ran away with the win.

Club Business
