Matt Ackerman, Bruce Clark, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Robert Gohl, Jim Halloran, Joe Lane, Sara Lane, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer
Games Played
Jim and Robert played Tsuro , and Robert won.
Michael, Jim and Robert played Tsuro , and Jim won.
Jim, Robert, Michael, Joe and Sara played Castle Panic and won with 4 towers left standing.
Bruce (Rebels) and Matt (Imperials) played Star Wars: Rebellion. The Rebels won!
Jeramee (Rebels) and Jim (Imperials) played Star Wars: Rebellion. The Rebels won!
Robert, Ben and Michael played Ticket to Ride with the Pennsylvania map (Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 5 – United Kingdom & Pennsylvania), and Michael won with 166 points, followed by Robert with 129 and Ben with 114.
Joe and Sara played Space Empires 4X.
Chris, Michael, Robert, Dave and Sam played Dead of Winter. The group completed the main goal, and Chris, Michael and Sam were also able to complete their secret objectives, winning the game. Dave and Robert fell short of completing their secret goals.
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