BEBGC Meeting Recap 03/19/16


Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Robert Gohl, Chris Gronau, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Ed McGran, Dave Olson, Kerri Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer, Chad Willard, Drake Willard

Games Played

Robert, Chris G, Jim, and Dave played Pandemic. Unfortunately, the team was not able to thwart the spread of the diseases, losing to the 8th outbreak.

Scott (Empire), Michael, Chris G., Dave and Chad played Imperial Assault. The group started the Return to Hoth campaign with the first mission of the campaign. It was a close match, but the rebels were able to eke out a win.

Matt, Robert Jim and Jeramee played Defenders of the Realm. The realm was successfully defended!

Chris C and Drake played Imperial Assault in the extra-complex variable rules skirmish variant. Drake’s imperial squad was victorious.

Jim, Jeramee, Robert/Dave, Matt and Ben played Xia: Legends of a Drift System. Ben was the winner playing as a peaceful merchant, despite having his defenseless ship blown up by Jim.

Michael, Robert, Chad, Drake and Chris C. played two rounds of The Grizzled, losing the first and winning the second.

Chad and Drake played several rounds of Star Realms.

Jeramee, Robert, Jim, Chris C., Michael, Ben and Kerri played Bang! The Dice Game. The outlaws won.

Robert, Jim, Chris C., Michael, Ben and Kerri played Bang! The Dice Game.

Michael,, Robert, Jim and Kerri played 2 rounds of The Grizzled, winning both games.

Jeramee, Chris C., Ben and Dave played Specter Ops. The hunters successfully stopped the agent.

Club Business


BEBGC Meeting Recap 03/05/16

Attendees: Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Angela Li, Ed McGran, Kerri Olson, Byron Varin, Alex Wright, Phillip

Games Played

Michael, Scott, Ed, Byron, and Phillip tried out the club’s new copy of Dead of Winter. They played the introductory “We Need Samples” mission, but inadvertently selected the hard core difficulty. The group lost from moral, but with more statistically likely rolls on collecting samples after killing zombies, probably could have won.

A second game of Dead of Winter was played, with Chris replacing Scott, this time the “Raiding Party” scenario, also on hard core. It started off with a player dead from a bite on the first move and went downhill from there, with the group soon lost.

Brandan, Dave, and Alex played Five Tribes, with Dave winning.

The three of the moved on to XCOM: The Board Game and defeated the aliens.

Brandan and Dave played 7 Wonders: Duel, where Dave won again after Brandan was stuck in a swamp.

Chris, Brandan, Kerri, and Angela played Castles of Mad King Ludwig with the Secrets expansion with Angela building the most fantastical castle.

Chris, Brandan, Dave, Karen, Kerri, and Angela faced off in Ca$h ‘n Gun$ where Kerri was the most successful gangster.

They finished up with Mister X with the investigators finding Kerri’s Mister X.