BEWC Meeting Recap 01/17/15

Attendees: Chris Cregan, Anthony Eaton, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Jeramee Scherer and Matt Walker

Games Played

1) Jim, Matt, Jeramee and Dave started with a game of Defenders of the Realm.  The group was not successful in defending the realm.

2) Alex, Michael and Chris played the King of all Londinium story of Firefly with the Blue Sun and Pirates and Bounty Hunters Expansions. Michael won.

3) Jim, Matt, Jeramee and Dave took another run at Defenders of the Realm.  Dave had to leave before the conclusion, but Tony took over for him.  The defenders were once again unsuccessful.

4) Jim, Michael, Chris, Jeramee, Tony and Matt played 7 games of Coup. Michael won 4, Jim 1, Jeremy 1, and Matt 1

Club Business

New officers were elected for 2015…

President: Chris Cregan

Vice President: Jim Halloran

Secretary: Dave Olson

Treasurer: Michael Feinberg

The club also voted to purchase King of New York and Level 7: Omega Protocol for the collection.

BEWC Meeting Recap 1/3/15

Attendees: Jim Halloran, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon

Games Played:
1) Brandan, Dave and Karen played Metro. Dave won.

2) Three Scotland Yard investigators (Jim, Dave, and Karen) were on the hunt for Jack the Ripper (Brandan) in Letters from Whitechapel, but Jack was able to escape.

3) Brandan, Dave and Karen played Vegas Showdown – Dave’s casino emerged as the most famous in Vegas.