Attendees: David Olson, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Chris Gonau, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Bruce Clark, and Alex Wright
Club Business: Due to an issue with cabinet space, a list of games was presented was distributed which contained games the club is considering selling off. There were no objections to any of the proposed games. The games will be offered for purchase by club members before other methods are considered.
1) It was a day for Heroscape! Scott, Jim, Dave and Chris G. Fought throughout the day for control of a built up hill. It was mostly the same hill, but everytime the armies were different. Spiderman defeated dragons, Capt. America out raced elves, though it was a rare event when the King of the hill actually won a game.
2) Guildhall was also played, with the new (actual) rules. Though Alex did win and was first, the order of turns was less important this time around. Bruce, Michael and Chris C were all at least a turn away from winning.
3) Terra Mystic was next for Bruce, Michael, Chris C and Alex. Michael just edged out Alex in the end 110 to 107. Both had empires that spanned the board, dwarfing both Bruce and Chris for land area. Bruce had 102 with a strong cult presence. Chris did well, though ended up with only 92.
4) With the deconstruction of the Heroscape arena, a game of Bang Dice was played. Alex the Sheriff won with his two deputies Chris C and Bruce with considerable help from Michael the Renegade (who lost). Dave Chris G and Jim were all shot dead for the being outlaws.
5) A four player Kemet game was played between Chris C, Michael, Jim and Alex. Alex played a very aggressive game and managed to win by having the last two turns (due to an extra turn power) and a quick moving beetle shuttle which nabbed him two previously undefended temples.
6) Finally, the odd game Louis XIV which had Chris Michael and Alex bidding for the favor of the French court in the 18th century. Chris managed to get a few early quest rewards which conferred bonus abilities allowing him to continually outpace Alex and Michael. The final score was 58, 46, 4