BEWC Meeting Recap 1/18/14

Attendees: Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Victor Liu,Ryan Frans, Alex Jordan, Chris Cregan, Maria and Matt Willey

1) Victor Michael and Jim started with a game of Haggis.  It was mearly played through in order to learn the game.

2) Flux came with Michael Victor, Ryan, Jim and Alex.  It was a slow game but eventually Michael had a good turn, able to play both keepers and plot card for a victory.

3) The first of two games of Firefly had Victor, Michael, Alex and Chris racing around the galaxy for money.  Victor spent the game ferrying passengers back and forth and neglected crime and crew a like and so ended up easily getting to the required cash value before anyone else ending with 12,400.  Michael had the fewest active missions and a large stack of cash reserves to end with 410 after subtracting his missions value.  Both Chris and Alex finished well into the red due to some high value, uncompleted missions.

4) Ryan and Jim had the longest and closest game of Twilight Struggle in club history.  Ryan managed to triumph with just a few points after the final turn though it required snatching enough points away from Jim in the last hand.

5) It was only fitting that the next game, Guillotine, was the shortest in club history.  With both the first and second days line ups getting cut short after only a couple executions each, Michael was just edged out by Ryan in the final day.  Ryan won with 12, Michael 10, Jim and Chris had 6 and Alex had 5.

6)Planet Steam was one of the two last games played.  Chris and Ryan had played before, with Chris edging out Ryan 464 to 433.  Matt ended with 254 and Maria 207.  (Scores were calculated with all lowest common value ignored)

7) At the other table Michael Alex and Jim played their last game of Firefly.  The mission this time was Harkons folly with Alex managing to finish first.

Club Business: The club voted in alignment with nominating committee from the meeting before.  The new President is Jim Halloran, the new Vice President is Michael Feinberg, the new Treasurer is Dave Olsen and the new/old secretary is Chris Cregan.

BEWC Meeting Recap 1/4/14

Attendees: Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, and Alex Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played
1) Dan, Michael, Scott, Karen, Dave, Karen, and Alex started off with Unspeakable Words. Michael won with 109 points with Dave behind the 100-point threshold with 99. Alex and Scott went insane.

2) Dan, Michael, Scott, Brandan, Karen, Dave, Karen, and Alex then moved on to 7 Wonders with both the Cities and Leaders expansions. Nobody could stop Alex’s science machine and his 81 point victory, Dave came in second with 69, with the rest of the pack close behind with only five points separating 2nd and 5th places.

3) Michael, Scott, Dave, and Karen split off for Star Trek Catan where Michael made good use of McCoy’s support to go through the development deck and get the cards he needed for largest star fleet, edging out the win from Dave 10 points to 9.

4) Dan, Brandan, and Alex played Castles of Burgundy, which Alex one with a commanding 236 points over Dan’s 191 in second place.

5, 6) Dan, Michael, Brandan, Karen, Dave, Karen, and Alex played two rounds of Ca$h ‘n Gun$. In the first Dan one with $85,000 and Alex just behind with $80,000. For the second game, individual player powers were added, leading to a more brutal game iwht both Dave and Dan dying and Michael sneaking in with a $105,000 win with Alex in second at $95,000.

7) Dan, Michael, Brandan, Karen, Dave, and Karen hunted Alex in Scotland Yard, and despite a nice early breakout by Mr. X, Alex was hunted down in round 10.

8) Michael, Brandan, Karen, and Alex played Smash Up with victory being snatched from Michael’s Alien Zombies when Alex broke a base one round for Michael could break his. Alex’s Ninja Dinosaurs were victorious with 17 points, with Karen’s Robot Wizards in second.

9) Dave, Karen, and Alex finished up with a game of Samurai.