BEWC Meeting Recap 10/19/13

Attendees: Alex Jordan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, and Chris Cregan

1)Michael Alex and Jim started off with a game of Tsuro.  Alex fell off early though both Jim and Michael managed to survive to the last piece.  Both players found their pieces staring accros the last blank space and it was determined both Jim and Michael would share victory.

2)Next up Eclipse was brought out with the expansion Rise of the Ancients.  Michael fell to a couple of early losses to some ancients and was not able to come back till considerably later in the game.  Jim and Alex both sent huge armadas to the galactic center on the same turn.  Jim’s fleet got a good volley of missiles off initially but Alex’s thick armor proved better in the long drawn out battle.  Alex then easily handled the new GCD.  Chris spent the majority of the game exploring and fighting the ancients.  In the end Chris beat out Alex 40-38 with both players taking control of several points from both of the weaker civilizations.  Michael fared better than Jim, 23 to 15, due to more tech and a larger empire.  Jim had more expensive techs but they were spread out, the majority of his points coming from the few remaining ancients.

*It should be noted that two rather large mistakes were made during this game.  The rules for combat were mistaken, victims were choosing causality’s instead of offender.  Secondly Alex, being new to the game, was double counting his income for the first half of the game.

3) Cosmic Encounter finished off the day with a shared victory between Chris and Michael over Alex and Jim.


BEWC Meeting Recap 10/5/13

Attendees:Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Alex Wright, Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Chris Cregan,  Brandan James,Victor Liu, Robbie and Frank Fulton

1) Alex, Michael, Brandan and Dave started off with a game of Lords of Waterdeep.  Alex won with 125 points followed by Michael, Brandan and finally Dave who got 106, 103 and 80 respectfully.

2)Jim bought Warparty and played a game with Dan, Chris and Victor.  It was the first time playing and the instructions though simple were poorly worded leading to a learning game.  Jim and Chris playing as the Goblins and Undead ended up winning over Dan and Victor who played the Dwarves and Humans.  The forces of evil had defeated the Dwarves and were set up to take the stronghold but not in the 12 turn time limit and so all agreed evil won a partial victory.

3)Alex won his second game this time while playing Antike.  Robbie and Frank joined the original group playing Waterdeep.  Alex got 7 points followed by Michael with 6, Brandan, Frank and Dave all received 5 while Robbie ended with 2.

4)Karen joined the Antike group for a game of 7 Wonders.  It was an odd low scoring game.  Alex thought his streak was broken with 62 but it ended up highest.  Robbie and Brandan ended with 58, Mike and Dave 57.  Frank got 47 and Karen got 44.

5)Chris, Alex, Michael, Brandan, Karen, Dave played a large game of Robo Rally.  It was a particularly gruesome game with a robot dieing nearly every round as everyone scrambled for the 1 Flag.  A long corridor before the flag it made it so Robots were bumping into each other as one would be advancing towards while another try and move away from.  Chris managed to pull out of the tussle early and finished as most people were just getting flag one.  Michael was the only other Robot to reach the 2nd flag.

5)Finally Chris, Alex, Michael, Brandan, Karen, Dave played a couple games of BANG.  The first was quite short with Michael as the Sheriff quickly killing Chris as the Renegade.  Dave, Karen and Alex then finished off the Michael while Brandan the Deputy was unable to help. The Outlaws won.

6)The 2nd game of BANG took considerably longer.  Brandan as the Sheriff had a good set up character which made him nearly invincible till a string of bad draws.  Alex the Renegade quickly took out Chris this time an Outlaw.  Brandan managed to take down Dave the Outlaw but Alex took out Michael as the Deputy.  The game reached a stalemate between Alex, Karen and Brandan.  The Outlaws won again after Karen ended finished Brandan with considerable help from Alex.