Attendees: Chris Cregan, Michael Kelly, Jim Halloran, Bruce Clark
1) Jim and Bruce started off with a game of Lost Cities with Bruce ending up winning out in the end.
2) In the first Flash Point: Fire Rescue game Chris and Bruce ran in through the front door trying to stabilize and escort victims while Mike and Jim went through the back to dispose of flammable materials. Unfortunately, several explosions in the kitchen quickly brought the structure down before even one survivor could be rescued.
3) Determined to do better the team returned to the building in another round of Flash Point: Fire Rescue. Chris and Bruce entered the house, Bruce fought fires directly while Chris eliminated hazardous materials. Mike and Jim oversaw things from the truck, directing movements and spraying areas with the hose. The fire was kept at bay long enough for seven survivors to make it out.
4) Tired of all the Cooperative niceness a game of Dungeon Lords was opened up. Jim built a powerful hero annihilating machine, only losing one tunnel to the good guys the entire game. Michael on the other hand ran a very vigorous PR campaign and stayed within the first tier of evilness the entire game, ending at his starting level. Bruce, with his host of vampires and ghosts attracted the attention of the paladin. He managed to beat the Paladin but exhausted most of his resources and lost his entire dungeon in the last year. Chris hoarded money and constructed the largest of all the dungeons. In then end: Chris 33, Jim 20, Mike 17 and Bruce at 11.