Attendees: Chris Cregan, Jim Halloran, Dave Slaby, Lane Taylor, and Alex Wright
Club Business: None.
Games Played:
1) Chris, Jim, Dave, Lane, and Alex played a quick game of Bohnanza while they waited to see if anyone else was going to show up. Dave proved to be the better bean farmer and won commandingly with 3 points over 2nd place.
2) They then brought out Twilight Imperium. The galaxy was not evenly distributed, with Dave and Chris’s side of the galaxy having the glut of planets. Jim and Lane bordered each other and quickly formed an uneasy alliance, dividing up what few planets they had. After several turns Lane had amassed a large fleet positioned near the center of the galaxy, well away from his original starting location. Jim took the opportunity break the alliance and captured Lane’s starting planets in one turn.
Alex advanced quickly colonizing planets up to and around Chris’s border, building up a fleet while at it. With the abundant starting planets though, Chris’s fleet was significantly larger with the excess money and when battle ensued his fleet was completely destroyed. Not without significant damage to Chris’s own fleet however, which Dave was more than happy to obliterate the following turn.
Dave had been slow playing it up till then, mostly making trade packs and slow advancement. Rather than press the advantage, his fleet returned to his space. Alex and Chris formed a truce with both armadas completely destroyed. Both nations rebuilt and moved towards Dave who, having not been attacked at all, was in a very solid position. Dave built up a large force but wasn’t able to join it with his main force before getting it destroyed by Chris’s new fleet. Alex however, changed direction and advanced into Chris’s unguarded nation, taking several planets effortlessly. Unfortunately for Dave, his fleet was out of position and Jim took the opportunity to strike at his home sector, finally making the long trek from the far side of the galaxy.
They were forced to leave after that, while Alex was the closest to victory, it was determined that it would take more than a turn for him to get there.