Attendees: Greg Chandra, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Frank Fulton, Robbie Fulton, Jim Halloran, and Joe Kauffman
Club Business: Nominations for 2013 officers are open.
Games Played:
1,2) Michael and Jim started with two quick games of Lost Cities with Jim winning both decisively.
3) Chris, Michael, and Jim played Kingsburg with all of the To Forge A Realm expansions, with Chris just edging out Jim 46 points to 44 points.
4) Greg, Chris, Michael, Jim, and Joe played Lungarno, where Michael won with 31 points, but the battle for second place was closely fought – Jim had 26 points and the tie breaker of most extra tiles over Chris (also with 26 points) and Greg just behind with 25.
5) Greg, Chris, Michael, Frank, Robbie, Jim, and Joe played a full 7 player game of 7 Wonders with the Leaders expansion. Chris’s money heavy strategy combined with the gamer guild gave him a 69 point victory over Joe’s 68 points from a diversified strategy.
6) Chris and Jim broke of to play Twilight Struggle where history was rewritten. Chris won as the soviets by VP in turn 3 helped by claiming dominance in Asia and three scoring cards coming up that turn.
7) Greg, Michael, Frank, and Robbie finished up with Ascending Empires. Greg went on the offensive early and squabbled with Frank allowing them both to collect victory points from shooting each other’s ships out of the sky. Michael meanwhile was left mostly alone to colonize and then build cities on planets in each of the other quadrants. An endgame attempt from Robbie to steal one of Michael’s planets turned into an opportunity for him to earn more victory points from the back and forth combat, and the game ended with Michael having a comfortable 31 point win with Greg in second at 23 points.