Attendees: Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Michael Kelly, Chris Leitenberger, Chad Willard, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright
Club Business: None.
Games Played:
1) Chris C, Michael F, Jim, and Alex spent the bulk of the day playing Mage Knight. They played the blitz conquest scenario, which is supposed to be one of the shorter ones, but it was still 6 hours of play time. Everyone but Alex had only played once before, and the difference in experience was apparent mid-game when Alex started pulling well ahead and amassing the strength to single handedly take on cities and dragons. Chris was doing a pretty good job of keeping pace with Alex’s level growth and Michael had two strong turns with the right cards in his hand to take on adjacent enemies and catapult himself up two levels and from last place to second place. However Chris then ended up with a hand full of strong combat cards and no better options than to see what happened if he attacked Michael. The result was that neither of them got to use their turns to kill monsters and amass more fame, but Michael also accumulated seven wounds that cost him another turn to get rid of and were worth -17 fame at the end of game scoring. After the last night ended, only two of the four cities in the scenario were conquered, so technically all of the knights failed in their quest, but that doesn’t really impact the game’s outcome. Alex, as expected, ran away with the game at 125 fame, with Chris in second at 64.
2,3) Michael K and Chris L started a game of Tentacle Bento, but abandoned it with Michael well ahead when Chad joined them. The three of them played a second came that Chris won handsomely.
4) Michael K, Chris L, and Chad played Lords of Waterdeep, where Chad’s piety and commerce beat out Michael’s warfare and magic by three points for the win.
5) Michael K and Chad played a partial game of Innovation and were fairly close in both score and achievements when Chad had to leave.
6) Chris C, Michael F, and Michael K finished off the day with a quick game of Carcassonne. Almost the entire board ended up being one giant field with the two Michaels sharing the points for it. The 18 points from the field weren’t enough to help Michael F, but for Michael K it propelled him to a 78 point win over Chris’s 73.