Attendees: John Boyle, Dan Carey, Chris Cregan, Aaron Farmer, Rachel Farmer, Michael Feinberg, Ryan Frans, Michael Kelly, Dave Olson, and a brief appearance by Alex Wright.
Club Business: None
Games Played:
1) Ryan and Dave played Space Empires 4X. Dave tried a more defensive posture with mines, which worked OK a couple of times, but Ryan was able to research Mine Sweeper technology and Dave’s mines ended up being fairly ineffective in the end. Ryan was victorious.
2) Michael F and Chris played 2 rounds of Lost Cities, with Michael winning.
3) John, Dan, Chris and Michael F started up a game of Alien Frontiers, with Michael K taking over for Michael F part of the way through. Chris came away with the win on that one.
4) John, Dan, Chris and Michael K played a game of Citadels, with Chris taking the win on that one, too.
5) John, Dan, Chris, Aaron, Rachel, Ryan, Michael K and Dave played Shadows Over Camelot. Things were looking OK for the loyal knights with the white swords on the table outnumbering the black. Then Aaron revealed himself as the traitor, playing a card that made the rest of us discard a bunch of cards. We were still hanging on, but the catapults were starting to accumulate, and every evil Excalibur and Grail card added another one to the field (since those quests were over). We were up to 11 catapults in play, with a fading glimmer of hope for the good guys, when Rachel elected to place a catapult for her Progression of Evil phase, revealing that she was also a traitor, winning the game for the traitors.
6) Aaron, Rachel, Ryan, Michael K and Dave played Citadels. Rachel ran away with it.