BEWC Meeting Recap 8/20/11

Thanks to John Boyle for the meeting Minutes


Scott Harris, Joe Kauffman, John Boyle, Josh Lichti, Michael Kelly, Jesse Lute, Dave Olson (for 5 minutes), Chad Willard & Haley Willard

Game 1: 7 Wonders

Scott, Joe, John. Scott won with 57 points focusing mostly on Blue VP and 15 points on the Pyramids, Side A.

It was Joe’s first game

Game 2: 7 Wonders. Jesse and Josh showed up.

Scott, Joe, John, Jesse, Josh

Josh squeaked out a first place win with 47 points, combining 16 points in science with 21 points in Blue VP. Jesse and Joe were a close second with 46 points.

It was Josh and Jesse’s first game.

Game 3: 7 Wonders + Leaders expansion. Michael Kelly showed up.

Scott, Joe, John, Jesse, Josh, Michael

This was Michael’s first game of 7 Wonders period, but everyone’s first game with the Leaders expansion. The expansion introduces a new game mechanic via Leader cards. Before Age I begins, all players are dealt 4 Leader cards. Each player selects one card and passes the rest to the next player (just like the regular game). Continue until everyone has 4 cards.

Now, at the beginning of each Age, each player selects a Leader card to play. The leader cards provide similar abilities or resources found in the base game such as more resources, extra gold, science symbols, etc. However, there are new abilities such as allowing the player to spend one less of any resource for the different colors of cards, or increasing the Money bonus at the end of the game. It’s almost like playing with 3 extra Wonder abilities which really mixes the game up in a fun way.

Scott won Game 3 with 61 points, banking up an impressive 23 blue card VPs, despite Jesse’s dominance with 28 science points.

Game 4: 7 Wonders + Leaders expansion

Scott, Joe, John, Jesse, Josh, Michael

The final 7 wonders game of the day ended in a second Josh victory with 63 points (26 of which were blue cards). Scott was second place with 58 points, 43 of which were Science. He had two leaders that gave him extra science symbols, but it wasn’t enough to pull ahead.

Overall, I think everyone enjoyed the Leaders expansion, though it may have been a bit overwhelming for some of the new players (except Josh, obviously).

Game 5: Pandemic + expansion.

Jesse, Scott, Joe, Michael, John

This game was a nail-biter, going down to the wire.

Jesse: Scientist

Scott: Troubleshooter

Joe: Ops Expert

Michael: Researcher

John: Epidemiologist

The group got out to a decent start, quickly curing 3 of the 4 diseases. However, in addition to the 4th disease, since we were playing the expansion, we also had to deal with the occasional mutation. Our predicament came when we were on the brink of several fatal outbreaks and we had enough cards to cure the final disease and mutations, but didn’t seem to have enough turns or actions to get the cards and the pawns to the right place at the right time. Scott was able to switch to medic partway through to help and with a LOT of discussion, planning, and replanning (and a lot of luck), we managed to cure the mutation with no margin to spare.

We did realize, though, that for part of the game we hadn’t been properly adding mutation tokens, but figured it all evened out in the end and still counted it as a solid win.

Scott and John Left.

Games 6+: Chad Willard and his daughter showed up and played some games they brought with them. I don’t know how those games went since I left by then.