Attendees: Jason Bowen, Jeff Bowen, John Boyle, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, David Wilcox
Club Business:
We voted to purchase Mansions of Madness, Lost Cities, and Bang! Wild West Show.
Games Played:
1) John, Michael, and Scott played 7 Wonders. Michael and Scott tied with 57 points, but Scott had the tiebreaker of more money.
2) John, Michael, Scott, and David played Alien Frontiers which David brought and no one had played before. After some reading of the rules, we quickly got into it and had a lot of fun with the interesting die based ship assignment mechanism. Scott managed to play his sixth colony first, ending the game and putting him over the top in victory points for the win.
3,4) Jason, John, Michael, Scott, and David played two games of Bang! John won the first as the Renegade, and the second was a law win with John as the Sheriff and Michael as the Deputy.
5) Jason, Jeff, John, Michael, Scott, and David played 7 Wonders. John won this game, again with 57 points, with a ridiculous 45 of them coming from science.